Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Phnom Penh By Tuk-Tuk

I'm home from Cambodia and hopefully this will be the first of many posts! Our first stop in Cambodia was the capital, Phnom Penh. The most notorious transportation for tourists is the ubiquitous tuk-tuk. Basically, a cart pulled by a motorcycle that makes for a pretty exciting taxi ride. Here are some pictures I took while riding my first tuk-tuk on the way to the Killing Fields museum and back.

Yes, that's an ox cart walking down the streets of the capital.

Cute little boy that I waved to. He wouldn't wave back, but his mom gave us a big smile and waved.
Look carefully, this truck says E-Mart! This was the first of many second hand Korean things that we saw around that still had the Korean advertisement on it.

Local Transport.

Another ox cart.

I'll try my best to get more posts up soon! Though, I'm super busy nowadays because of summer session... :-(

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