I found this post that I was going to post up when I came home from Vietnam, but never did. Here it is, from the vault.

Korean restaruant in Ho Chi Min City!
Snowflakes on a willow tree... it was also about 75 degrees.
Street vendors.
.... These are the telephone wires that run down the streets.... good lord, how does anything get fixed when it's broken? You'd never know which is which....

Propaganda.... can anyone translate for me? Most of them seemed to be about wearing your seat belt, but they were all drawn in the traditional propaganda-style.

everyone seems to have a little temple in thier house. This is a view from our hotel window in Ho Chi Minh City. This was almost close enough to touch... houses were pretty close together here...
Yummy yummy noodles... mmmmmm....
Making rice paper and drying it in the sun.
Mopeds, mopeds everywhere...
Rice paddy!
The making of all those laquered wood and mother of pearl artwork that you see everywhere... can't belive it's all done by hand......
Random Buddhist shrine that you see everywhere....
Korean restaruant in Ho Chi Min City!
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